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Wednesday 6 February 2013

Awareness of Cause and Effect – an Aspect of Awakening

Qualities of an Awakened Consciousness

The are many qualities that can be assigned to an awakened consciousness, and one of them as we have learnt from our Gnostic classes is the awareness of cause and effect.

We learnt that a person who is awakened or is awakening at one or another level will be before he or she acts aware of the effects that his or her action or actions will unfold.

We were also taught that the awakened or awakening person is interested more in results than in effects. 

Sleeping Consciousness and Cause & Effect

Unfortunately the sleeping consciousness and the many “I’s” that we have are the ones that among so many other things are not aware of the cause and effect process and the results of our actions.

By making ourselves aware of the possible cause and effect process before we act we are allowing our consciousness to intervene. That is something highly advantageous, as it may be powerful enough in that moment to displace any “I” or ego that is in our human machine and if the consciousness is the one that acts the results will not be more karma or complication.

The “I” and Cause & Effect

There are my egos in us that are not aware of the cause and effect process, even the good egos lack the vision of cause and effect. I would like to use the rest of this post to carry out an investigation into the good “I’s” lack of vision.

Especially in Australia, being a personality trait is to always say yes mostly when we want to say no. Why is this done? Because we think we are going to upset or hurt the other person, or that we are going to be seen as difficult and unlikeable, or perhaps finally to say no is against some sort of ideal that we have in our mind.
There are a few relatively deep seated beliefs behind this behaviour. Please read on for an investigation into some of these beliefs.

Why is it Difficult to say No?

To find out in our case why it is so difficult to say no we have to investigate by asking ourselves several questions and accepting nothing but sincere answers.

When we inquire within, asking ourselves why we find it hard to say or do something that we suppose another person will dislike to disagree with what do we find? We may find the following:
  •          A liking to say yes, a certain something inside us likes to please others.
  •          A certain something likes the positive attention and expression of contentment coming from others toward us.
  •          A certain something likes to be the person that is flexible, agreeable, compliant, the total opposite of a difficult person.
  •          We remember when we meet with a person that said no, and the result was, that in us, when they said no we were hurt and ended up forming a certain negative concept about them. In fact we ended up not liking them and feeling scared of them, and of course we don’t want others to see us in that way.

Negative Concepts – Most Powerful Reason

The last reason seems to be the one that has the most weight in ourselves. Analysing this a little deeper, we are really victims of our own concepts. We create concepts of others and then we behave in a way so that others don’t create the same concepts of us.

If we did not create those negative concepts we would not think that others create the same concepts and so we would behave differently.

We don’t mind to say no to others that are in our family because we know that they won’t create a negative concept of us. That is why we are scared to say no to people that we don’t know so well or don’t have that level of relationship or trust with them.

We think to do or say something that another will not like or disagree with is to go against the flow of the environment. This gives us the perception that what we are going to do is taboo or it is something that can not be done.

All the negative concepts that we create about others is a wound that we inflict on ourselves. Our negative concepts come back to haunt us.

The Good “I’s” and Cause and Effect

We are very attached to the good egos or “I’s” that we have because we believe that they do good things. However, really it is more like that they get a lot of things wrong and the result is not really all that good, that is no one really benefits. Usually a few people including us are inconvenienced.

The good “I” that we have just talked about and mentioned is one that routinely ignores the cause and effect process of its actions. Even being good it does not do the good. If our consciousness was active in the moment where we usually act with the good we may get a big surprise. Why? Because the consciousness may just do nothing, not get involved or it may produce the impulse to say No!


The ego whichever ego be it good or bad is ignorant of the cause and effect process. So, in order to act correctly in life and develop a means of displacing the ego we need to remember the process of cause and effect in every action that we take and in every word that we speak and in every decision that we make.

It is a very powerful means to stop us from making so many stupid errors that have very costly consequences. It will also help us to understand more and more the actual negative consequences of the ego. We come to know the ego more and become aware of its sleeping condition.

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