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Sunday 10 February 2013

Starting Your Day Well

I have found that to have a good in any arena or field of life, and that includes the Gnostic esoteric work, one of the most important factors to take into account, is the way in which we start the day. It is a surprise as to how important this really is.

Anyhow, this post is dedicated to introduce to you to some of the factors that really matter when it comes whether you experience a positive edifying and useful day (a good day) or a miserable, tedious, painful day.

Importance of a Good Start

Start your day off well. If you are working towards a goal then get to the business of making that goal happen early in the morning before you have to go to work or start the morning’s chores.

Why is this so important? Well, I’ll tell you. Starting the day off well that is working on fulfilling your goals boosts you morale. With a high morale coming from the day’s early morning triumph we have the stimulus that we need to keep pushing ourselves during the day to work toward achieving our goals.

Another important factor is actually doing the morning practice. If we do the morning practice sincerely well, putting a lot of effort and heart into it, you can rest assured that the results of the practice will leave a mark in you that will put you in the mode to continue practicing or working toward your goal for the whole rest of the day.

Disadvantages of Bad Start

If we for example are lazy at the beginning of the day then we will have missed taken advantage of the morning and we will start eh day late and with a low morale. To get back on track again, even though it can be done, requires much more effort. Because it is like the horse or the runner that is trailing behind, in order for eh runner or horse to get into the front line it not only has to keep up but work harder to pass the other runners or horse to get to the front.

I have always had the philosophy of starting well, getting to the front line as soon as possible and then keeping oneself there.

Preparation the Night Before

Use the night before the morning, to organise the things you have to do in the following day. To list all the things that you have to do tomorrow so that you have in your mind what you need to do, that way you will have some extra stimulus to get up because it is always a lot easier to get up when there is something for us to do that bring us enjoyment.


Plan your day the night before and use your will combined with positive imagination and emotion about the enjoyment you will get by doing the activities you had planned the night before.

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