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Tuesday 23 April 2013

Mechanical and Conscious Hope

Hope Exists

There is hope. It does exist. What is it though? Is it only an emotion or is it only a way of thinking? Does it exist by itself as something independent of anything else? This is a very difficult question to answer. It may just be better to stick with something that we know and that is in hope as it is in human beings.

Hope it seems only exists in human beings or perhaps also in other sentient beings. However, if it exists in sentient beings, it exists, it has therefore some type of existence. Whether it would still exist of we were to take away all the human being in creation is another matter, that isn’t the topic of this post.

Generally, we have hope when we are experiencing some sort of lack, whether that be to do with a lack of having or a lack of being. For example, we are suffering financially and naturally we hope one day to be in a better financial situation.

Mechanical Hope

We have two kinds of hope, one is mechanical hope and the other is the hope of the consciousness or another word for it would be conscious hope. Mechanical hope works by a mechanism of compensation. Fantasy is also a mechanism of compensation, and being of the same quality both of them, fantasy and hope (mechanical) unite and work together as one. Mechanical hope is really the combination a desire and the projected fulfilment of that desire, which is fantasy.

Hope of the “I”

Each ego has its hope. Some egos use hope much more than others. If an ego has a desire the hope that it can be fulfilled will be born. Mechanical hope is also a belief that the ego’s desire can one day be met. With mechanical hope a person may do something for the desire to be met or the person may just do nothing physically but he or she continues hoping and fantasising.

Lust, ambition, greed etc. are examples of “I’s” that frequently uses mechanical hope, mainly because they rely on the future heavily.

Conscious Hope

Conscious hope is based in action or work, plus conscious faith. It knows that the goal is possible and it knows that by working towards the goal, the goal will be achieved. This is very different to thinking “will it happen” or “it can’t possibly happen". It is not based in thinking but in real action and real facts.

Hope and Darkness

In some way hope implies to be in darkness, it is like a gamble. When we put all of our heart into a hope we are investing our heart in that thing, project, person, enterprise, activity etc. Actually, though what we are doing is investing in what that thing could turn out to become or bring to us.

Hope is a Force

Hope is a force like faith it is an investment of our belief and faith in something. Hope is also always related to a brighter future, it is about things or the person getting a lot better. Hope is a combination of wishing and the desire for it to happen. The desire is usually from the ego and the wishing of the ego is usually the fantasy of the ego and this wishing also implies some use of egoical will. In the case of conscious hope, its foundations are yearning, working or acting, imagination and will.


Hope to conclude, is something very powerful. Work and have hope in the success of your path. Then it will surely come to you. What can defeat a clean, honest, sincere heart, working with all its faith and love? Tell me? Karma you may say. But if this heart that works that way persists even karmic obstacles will be surmounted. It is just a matter of time.

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