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Monday 29 April 2013

Sex and Imagination

Intimately Linked

Sex and imagination are intimately linked. To a new comer this may seem very strange and even scandalous. However with a closer examination you should see that they are indeed very closely linked.

Trio – Breath, Imagination and Sex

Actually we say in Gnosis that three factors or things are very intimately linked. They are imagination, breath and sex. They form a trio or a trinity or a triad. Looking at all three of them we see that they have life in common. The force of life or vitality links them all together.


We know that breath is life, without the breath we could have not life. In fact our life begins as soon as we take in our first breath and our life ends at the precise instant of our last exhalation. To die we have to inhale to begin to live we have to inhale.

Imagination and Sex

Life is creation without sex there would be no human life, no animal life, no plant life and in fact no other form of life. And I ask could we have creation without imagination. For there to be creation there had to have been the imagination of the creator at work. Before life burst forth into this creation we say in Gnosis that creation was being gestated to maturity in the imagination of the creator. Creation pre-existed in the imagination of the creator and therefore imagination and creation and therefore sex and therefore breath are all very closely linked.

A Little Abstract Isn’t It?

Of course this seems quite theoretical and abstract and far from our own human reality. But it isn’t really, and we don’t have to look far to verify this.

Whenever we create something or crystallise an idea here in the physical world we used breath and imagination and energy. Ultimately all the energy we have comes from the sexual energy. To fulfil any plan or project we had to have used our imagination and also some creative energy which is none other than the sexual energy.

When we are aroused sexually imagination becomes very active or when the ego of lust is active in us it can not be active without its use of the imagination in the mechanical form known as fantasy.


I would like to conclude this post with the most practical point at play here, which the use of the imagination. The imagination activates the sexual energy and causes it to used to crystallise or create what is being imagined. So the more consciously we use our imagination the better the crystallisations in our life will be.

In fact the sexual energy combined with the imagination can create and strengthen the ego, especially lust of course. But they are a very powerful combination that can move things to occur or to happen here in the physical world.

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