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Friday 19 April 2013

The Sexual Force is Blind and is Tamed by Redirection

Two Points About the Sexual Force

There are two (among many) important points regarding the human sexual force. First of all, based on experience I honestly think that many of us would agree that sex in the human being is a very powerful force, that exerts a very intense driving influence on us. There are times of our life where the sexual force really pushes for expression and we may have been driven to take risks and do things that are outside of our normal way of acting. In such times of our lives we really come to understand how powerful the sexual force is and how important it is to learn how to control it or

There are two characteristics of that sexual force, now that we have agreed that it is a force inside the human being. They are one, that the sexual force is blind and two, that the sexual moves or flows and its direction can be modified by us.

The Sexual Force is Blind

This point I honestly think is point that is really worth coming to understand. Why you may ask, because it will first of all bring to you a sigh of relief, and secondly it will open up a door for you to understand how to control and later come to control your own sexual force.

So what we are saying here is that the sexual force is blind, meaning that it is like a wild horse that just gallops in any direction. It does not know if that direction is bad or good or convenient or inconvenient. It is volatile and powerful and just needs to move. So, understanding this as being part of the very nature of the sexual force itself, that is the sexual force or energy in everyone is blind and volatile we should not suppress or blame ourselves and call ourselves evil for feeling that our sexual force is there and is trying to move us. That impulse is natural, but I want to make it very clear here that as soon as that impulse hits the mind then we can have the problem because the human being has what is called the many egos of lust which are really mind created or better self-created patterns of sexual behaviour, which could range from being very perverted, twisted, warped or to things that are not so bad in relativity but are still belong to lust or lustful desire.

In summary, here the sexual force is blind, it sends a blind impulse in us and it is up to our discernment and consciousness to point it in the right direction. What happens usually in human beings is that the sexual force is directed outward by the common modes of thinking (lust) into licentious activities that in the end strengthen the a use of the sexual force that harms us.


The key is redirection! Redirection! Redirection! Redirection!

We control the sexual impulse or sexual force by redirecting it. Where you may ask, well if you are married, direct it into your relationship, if you are not married or even if you are, the best place to direct it is inside yourself. Why? Because, that energy, by you consciously and voluntarily redirecting it inside yourself gets transformed into an energy of higher quality, that energises the brain, the heart and many other organs. But more importantly, your consciousness or your awareness or your faculty of lucidity receives that energy and it is a great help to the person.

The most important thing though is that when you redirect that energy or force within you are relieved of that pressure, agitation and desire to do something with the sexual force. Why, because you have already done something with it, you have channeled it inside yourself.

If say you still like agitated and sexually restless then you have to channel it inside yourself again and again until you feel the relief. It maybe that, the mind presses and presses you wanting a certain sexual sensation that you remember from the past etc. That is a different thing, there we have to work psychologically on ourselves, understanding the memory and the sensations etc.

How to Redirect

How do we redirect the sexual force inside of ourselves. We do it by focussing on our sexual energy or sexual force and then making an effort of will and imagination in time with our in-breath to make that energy go inside oneself and be absorbed there by principally our brain and heart.

We may need to this may times to feel a result. Don’t worry just do it and you will feel the effects. Some people say to clench the teeth and fists, push the tongue to one’s pallet, curl the feet like suction caps on the floor and close all the sphincters, with the most important one being the anus. It is called the big draw or for an image it looks a bit like superman when he is about the take-off.

This can be done at anytime and anywhere. The maximum effects are felt when the sexual force is active, this includes during sexual activity.


Feel a relief. There is nothing wrong with your sexual force, it is natural that it should impulses to you, and it is natural that they be powerful. Also feel a relief that there is a solution if you are having lots of trouble with controlling your sexual force. The remedy is to redirect the sexual force, to redirect within. There it is safe and you are much better off for it, physically, psychologically and spiritually.

We still though have to work psychologically to remove all those mental patterns of directing it into fantasies, other people whom we are not in a relationship with, ideas, habits such as masturbation etc. The first step here is to basically stop feeding all those desires by not allowing he sexual energy or force to be driven into them. Don’t let the sexual force get driven into your memories or mental images. Just doing this will help you no end. Try it and see for yourself the effects.

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