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Tuesday 16 July 2013

Prana as the Cause of Electricity and Magnetism


It is said that prana contains both electricity and magnetism, and that prana is actually the cause of electricity and magnetism. Master Samael also described prana as being Universal Magnetism.


Magnetism is considered to be the negative pole of prana and electricity is considered to be the positive pole. The positive pole of prana being electricity has the property of always looking for its opposite negative pole. We can say that the positive pole is magnetically attracted to the negative pole and as electricity being the positive pole searches for magnetism the negative pole a magnetic force or attraction between the both poles is set up, creating within prana that pervading universal magnetic force.


The role of the electricity the positive pole in prana is to fecundate, and it when the positive pole finds the negative that is electricity finds magnetism, the result of the coming together of these two opposite poles is electromagnetism, considered to be one of the four fundamental forces known by Science. It is the electricity component of prana that gives prana it’s property of constant movement and it is the magnetic component of prana that allows prana to sustain and hold all things together.

In physics when there is an electric current, that is when charged particles move to find their oppositely charged compliment, a magnet field is created. Conversely when a magnetic field moves an electric current is created or induced. Even in physics electricity and magnetism are intimately linked thus there is what is called electromagnetic force, which is a combination of the two principles.

Electricity comes from the three primary forces, that is the first, second and third logoi or in other terms the Holy Affirming, the Holy Denying and the Holy Conciliating, or in Christianity the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit or borrowing the Hindu terms: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.


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