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Tuesday 27 August 2013


Way to Faith

Master Samael lays down the process in which a person can develop faith. He says that faith which he calls conscious faith, arises in a person when the person divides him or herself into two. That is the division between the external person and the internal person.

What is Faith?

From the Gnostic point of view faith is consciousness, or in other words it is knowledge, knowing, wisdom, conviction and power. It is not by no stretch believing in things, it is rather about knowing. It certainly is not blind, like the faith of a miner that says “ok now with this hit of my pick against the rock I will find gold.” The miner does not know that he will strike gold but hopes eternally that with every strike he will. The real faith is about knowing and seeing.

Internal Person

Master Samael says that when the human being begins the esoteric work on him or herself they begin to become acquainted with the inner person and as they work they will cultivate the inner person in the way of the essence and the by the way of the dissolution of the egos.

Then when that happens when a person shifts their focus toward the interior then they come to make that division and they feel to be more the esoteric working inner man.

External Person

Everyone has the external person. Some are really stuck in it and don’t even conceive of their being the possibility of an inner person.

The external man is only concerned with life here and all its matters, such as money, houses, insurance, which car to buy, which shirt to wear today, do my cuff links match my shirt etc. etc.

The Split and the Higher Authority

When there is the division inside us between the external and internal man, the internal man will recognise that there does exist his or her Being. Which is a higher authority and then the essence in the person accepts that authority, and then faith is born.

At this moment we should develop faith, because here we rely on the secret master to tell us things, to advise us, provide for us, protect us etc. All that we have to do is to wait for the help or the answer. Here is when we come to rely on the Being which we know is a reality, and to rely on the Being is faith.


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