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Wednesday 18 September 2013

The Essence Must Command the Body

What we Really Are

What we really are is an essence or a soul housed in a suit of flesh and bone. Be it an extraordinarily marvellous suit of flesh and bone, none the less even though we have such a suit what we really are is the living intelligent principle that animates, brings and gives life to that suit of flesh and bone.

Natural Transformation

When we understand that, that what we really are is the essence or the soul, then a very natural and logical transformation occurs within the relationship between our consciousness and our body. A certain gap or separation is produced in that relationship.

We are a Soul in a Body

Instead of the relationship being of the nature where we are one with the body or where we are the body the relationship is transformed into that of we are the consciousness and we have a body and we really must look after it and use it wisely.

The Essence/Soul Must Command

A very natural consequence of that transformation in our consciousness body relationship is to come to the realization that the essence has to be in command. Why you may ask, the answer is that because the essence is the truth of what we really are, it is the element that is real and permanent and it is also the element that houses all our true and real principles and virtues etc.

Once again, one resulting natural realization born out of that new understanding is that the essence has to intelligently drive the body. This is an understanding and a realization at the same time that is really worth arriving at because it will allow the essence or the soul to use the body for its purposes and will allow the body to receive better care.


It is a mortal blow to laziness, which can sometimes justify itself with excuses such as the body needs rest. Laziness is essentially an identification with the inertial, resistant and lunar instincts of the body of the body. If we understand that we are not these instincts then we will see that the essence must express itself by overcoming to within a certain limit these instincts otherwise the essence is not in command or is not active.


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