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Friday 20 December 2013

Links: Physical, Psychological and Esoteric


I think that all human beings without exception have some sort of links.

We All Have Links

We all have links or connections in the field of life, that is true without a doubt. If we have a family or belong to one we have family links or connections, if we work we have professional or work related connections, and if we are not complete recluses we have connections or links with friends and acquaintances.

We also have certain other types of links, of which some that are psychologically based and some that are esoteric, that is hidden away from the eye but none the less in existence.

LinkedIn and Facebook

There are even web sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook to manage all these professional and social links or connections for us. If a person who has a very public face in an important position such as a CEO or a government official, there secretaries and appointment books to manage all those links and connections with people.

General Rule

In general, if we have a relationship with something we form a link with it.

Types of Links

We have actually several types of links and the base of all the links or connections that we have, is our psychology. Our psychology is at the base of each link that we have, we can in fact not have a link without a psychology. Even the esoteric links have some elements in our psychology.

Physical, Psychological and Esoteric Links

There are though physical links, that is links that exist between us and physical objects and this includes other people, we also have links between us and psychological or mental elements and we have esoteric links.

Esoteric Links are the Strongest

The esoteric links are the ones that are really the strongest and have the most reality, this is because the degree of reality is always the highest in the esoteric realms (superior dimensions). This is because the cause of everything down here in the physical world is found up there in the esoteric realms. Don’t worry too much if this does not make sense, it will be further explained in the following sub-sections.

Physical Links

Physical links are the links between us, basically our mind or psychology and other physical objects, such as things (cars, planes, computers, ipods, etc.) and also least we forget, people.

In the physical world there are no real tangible links that we can touch, that is, that exist between us and those things, we are not physically connected to them (there is not string or chord between us and them) and we can live quite happily without them, the link really is of a psychological nature, it only exists in our mind. So then in summary, physical links are not really all that real after all.

Family Links

However, family links are to some degree realer, because we have elements of the other person in us, such as the same blood and some of the same genes. Twins have a stronger link between them and that is for sure, as they were created at the same time and from the same sperm and ova.

Umbillical Chord

The only real physical link that we have is the umbilical chord that links us to our mother, before we were born and also while we are being born. This link though is interesting because it tells us a lot about what a link is and does.

A link basically is what keeps a relationship alive and what feeds something, just as does the umbilical chord. So a link is a communication channel and a feeding or nourishing channel.

Psychological or Mental Links

There are links between us and things or elements that are only psychological in nature, such as our personality and our egos. There are also psychic links that is links between our psychology and another’s psychology. Even subconscious links that go between two or more people and by means of this link the two or more subconscious’ communicate, most of the time under their level of perception, that is unknown to all of them.

We can also have links of the human type, which are based in the relationship between human beings and we can also have links between human beings that have their origin in the esoteric reality.

Esoteric Links

Then there are esoteric links, that is links that exist between our essence and other essences or between our essence and other Monads or between our Monad and other Monads. In the latter case this link will also filter down to the two essences involved.

We all here in Gnosis have links with Master Samael and so also with the planet Mars. I heard once a very renown Gnostic missionary say that each teacher, instructor or missionary of Gnosis has a very special thread linking them to the Logos Samael that is the regent of the planet Mars. He said that this link can only be seen internally and goes from the back of the person and extends all the way to Mars, to the Logos Samael.

Form Esoteric Links

We have to form esoteric links, they are the strongest, they defy time and they are what protect us and help us esoterically or spiritually speaking. They are really powerful and can be undone, but require radical, grave decisions and actions to undo them.

A word of advice, don’t undo the white esoteric links that we already have and have knowingly created. Leave all that to our inner Being to manage. He will strengthen or modify our esoteric links as He sees necessary.

Other Types of Esoteric links

We can even have links to a certain temple or esoteric order. Such as Master Samael had a very special link between himself and the Sacred Order of Tibet.

There are another type of esoteric links (remember esoteric does not necessarily mean white, it means hidden or unseen, which could encompass black and white) that exist between human beings and negative entities and the black schools or groups or the black lodge. These links for those going toward the path of light and treading the path of light are very inconvenient.

Next Post

In the next blog post we are going to get practical with the issue of links. So wait just a little while to read more about how links can be created, strengthened and when a link is harmful-dissolved.


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