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Monday 23 December 2013

Transmutation – Why & How


There is something called the Parlock duty of the Being. It is essentially the cosmic duty or task assigned to each one of our particular Monads or Divine Beings. 

The Parlock duty of the Being can be summarised as being the task of our particular Being to realise himself. It is a cosmic duty that is the will of the Absolute and it is also one that has extraordinary and serious human ramifications.

The major part of the Parlock duty resides in the transmutation of the sexual or creative energy. The transmutation of the energy is an act of inner creation. The energy that we transform goes into our interior universe to create, principally to create the superior existential bodies of the Being. That is the astral, mental and causal bodies.

With these bodies created, and later purified and made into gold by the transmutation of the sexual energy the Being inside of us has completed His creation or the creation of our inner universe. This we say in Gnosis would be utterly impossible if we as human beings were to not transmute our raw sexual energies.


Concentrate on the breath, remember your understanding that the sexual energy is something from the Being, it is life, and it is for the person seeking his or her Divine Being, the path or the way back to them.

Breathe in deeply, imagine consciously and voluntarily the sexual energy ascending up the spine and into the brain. With your exhalation imagine and feel that the transmuted energy descends into the heart.
You can combine this breathing and imagination practice using anyone of the mantras given below, while transmuting alone or in the practice of Alchemy with your spouse.


ŸMore prana, Ÿmore vitality, Ÿmore clarity of consciousness, Ÿawakening of the kundalini, Ÿawakening of the chakras, Ÿcreation of the bodies, Ÿcreation of the golden embryo, Ÿillumination of the brain, Ÿdissolution of the ego, Ÿfulfilment of the Parlock duty of the Being, Ÿwashing away of the karma and Ÿmany more such as intelligence and some powers and faculties.


HAM-SAH                                             Ham-Sah bird, the Third Logos.
IAO                                                         Ignis Aquis Origo
DI-ON-IS-IO                                          Transmutation of the sexual energy
O-AO-KAKOF-NAKONSA                 Divine Mother and transmutation
INRI                                                        Ignis Natura Renovatur    Integra


Is a higher octave of the transmutation of the sexual energy and it is really the goal. It is to the hand over our transmuted sexual energy to our Being.  This is done by concentrating exclusively on our inner Being or Divine Mother and praying while transmuting or chanting a mantra of transmutation or a mantra that invokes the Being or the Divine Mother, such as: RAM-IO, SOLU SIGI SIG, OAO KAKOF NAKONSA, TUM, OMNIS JAUM INTIMO etc.


The human being left Eden via the door of sex and the way back to Eden is through this same door of sex.


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