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Tuesday 14 January 2014

Three Points to Use to Evaluate Our Day


A very important actually a key tool in any evaluation of ourselves is the use of retrospection. The act of honestly looking back over what we have lived. How we acted, how we felt and what we thought during the events and times of our lives.

Retrospection can be done over an hour, a minute, a whole day, a week or a month, a year or any time period. It is really the key part of any evaluation.

Three Points

There are three points or questions that we can run through or ask ourselves at the end of the day, for us to know how our day went and or during the day, for us to know how our day is going and be able to improve it or save it, if it is not going well.

Was I Useful to Others?

We are all here in life to be useful for others. If we were all the time harmful to others, life and eventually creation would collapse. Life requires that we co-operate and live peacefully together and really it is one reason for us being here and it is also a life purpose.

All the things that we could do in life are come back in the end to the question, are they useful or good for others. The goals, that are noble and pure have at their heart the benefit of others.

If we have been useful to others during the day we have fulfilled a mini part of the purpose our life and we have not created karma for ourselves but rather dharma or cosmic capital as it is called in the Gnostic studies.

Besides the advantages mentioned above helping others brings us great peace and fulfillment inside ourselves.

Was I Useful to the Great Cause?

Being useful tot eh Great Cause is to work in the third factor, which is the efforts to teach, help, guide and inform humanity about the knowledge of Gnosis and help them to understand it and inspire to work towards their Being.

So in effect it comes down to the question: “Did I do something today that will benefit the self-realisation of some or at least one Monad.

As a Gnostic missionary we are those that work on the great cause and we really have the duty of helping the Sun receive as many souls as it can who are ready for the in trying to keep the planet as it is going now.

Was I useful to my Being Today?

Did I die and awaken today? That is really how we are useful to our Being. So did I make an effort to die in any defect? Did I chant the mantram KRIM and ask the Divine Mother to dissolve one or another defect? Did I self-remember or remember the Being as work toward my awakening?

Transmuting is also vital to being useful to our Being. Because with transmutation we are fulfilling the Parlock duty of the Being which is to create the bodies (astral, mental and causal). Transmuting helps the Being in His creation and self-realization and that helps Him to fulfil his cosmic mission and therefore brings Him into good terms with the Divine Law. Which has the marvellous side effect of bringing us  peace and happiness while our karmic debts are being processed with our work of mystical death and paying karma.


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