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Thursday 20 March 2014

Three Demons - Foundation of our Lunar Psyche (111)


Master Samael says in his book “The Mountain of Juratena” that the three demons together form the lunar foundation of our psychology.

Just to expand a little upon what Master Samael says: what I think Master Samael is saying is that the three demons which are the demon of desire, the demon of the mind and the demon of ill-will are the ones that together make up lunar structure and characteristics that our psychology has. We all know from previous posts that our psychology in character esoterically speaking is qualified as Lunar. So then the foundation of our psychology is made up by the three demons.

I hope to shed a bit more light on this revelation by Master Samael.

Three Demons Control the World

Can we be so bold to say that the three demons, that is the demons of: desire, the mind and ill will are the factors that control or are at the base of humanity’s thinking processes?

Certainly with all the bad things that happen here on Earth and knowing full well that before things are carried out by any human being there is a thinking process, we have to say without any doubt that instigating and motivating the thinking processes that are behind all the bad things that are done by human beings to other human beings and to nature, are these three demons. We can not think of anything else, definitely nothing better or more refined than the three demons.

Harming another human being is ill will, planning to do it is the demon of the mind and the deep motivation to do it because of a deep desire for money, power, control etc. is the demon of desire.

These three demons can be seen so clearly in the actions carried out by the governments of the world. This is simply because the governments of the world are run by human beings and in every human being (except those who have eliminated them) are the three demons in their psychology.


If you look carefully into every egoic manifestation (lust, anger, greed, pride, envy, laziness, gluttony etc.) that you have, that if you get angry over something you will find desire, mind and ill-will without a doubt. Anything lunar in us is characterised by these three demons or columns.


The three demons are present in us here and now and the more we study them the more we will come to understand that they are behind so much of pour psychological processes – well 100% of our egoic processes and as we are no different to our fellow human beings they are in them as well, just as they are in us. With the understanding of them will come the need to make conscious and voluntary heart felt efforts to dissolve them.

End (111).

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