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Tuesday 22 April 2014

Lust and Images (116)


Lust, vanity and pride all work with images. These egos project images and desire that we fulfil or act out those images.


We receive an impression, that is we see something and we get impressed by what we see and hear. Then we try to replicate it or reproduce it so that others will be impressed by us exactly in the same way as we were impressed, amazed, awe-struck etc.

That impression stays in our mind as an image and we want to act it out. In fact egos such as lust and vanity desire and make efforts to act these images out.

Images of Lust

Lust has many images of a sexual kind that it wants to see us in. These images have not been invented by us but have been captured by us seeing a movie or a photo or from our own imagination when listening to a story or a conversation etc.

Lust desires that these images are fulfilled, the thing is though that they are only images, postures, poses, stands, words, ways of acting that are not at all real. They are just put on and then they disappear, there is no reality behind them. They do not represent anything. They are just like a model modelling the latest fashion jacket. They look sophisticated, suave and elegant and important but in reality they are just a model with mediocre intelligence and no real life or death importance in the world.

Dissolving these Images

We have to dissolve all these images that we have using this marvellous truth that these images are all false, they have no reality in them, they are just phantoms, things that don’t exist. The question is that they have been very well grasped by the ego and they may even control parts of the human machine.

Living Out Images Makes us Unrealistic and Inconsiderate

Images just as in the movie called “Syrup” make us very cool, distant and alone. They send us into our own bubble where there is no space for anyone and what’s more we are fake and very inconsiderate. We when possessed by these images we lose ourselves we don’t want to be as we really are. Images are a way of losing ourselves and lust specialises in that area of losing ourselves.


We have to investigate to see what the images are projecting and why they are significant to us, because we come to deeply desire them, so the reason as to why our mind has grasped these images and desires them is very important for self-discovery. What are these images about, we have to find that out for ourselves. Knowing this will also help us to let go of them.

End (116).

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