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Wednesday 30 April 2014

Why is the Kundalini Coiled 3½ Times? (124)

Depiction of the SleepingKundalini

The Kundalini serpent known very well to the yogis of India, in her dormant state is classically depicted as a serpent coiled 3 and a half times around a special black ‘lingam’ (shaft) in the coccyx of every human being.

Depiction of the Awakened Kundalini

On the other hand when awakened the Kundalini is depicted as a fiery serpentine power extending from the coccyx all the way up the spine, neck, head and ending at the forehead of the initiate who has awakened it. The Egyptians in their paintings, sculptures and sarcophagus’ depicted the awakened kundalini as a golden serpent extending a little way out from the forehead and then rising a short vertical distance.

Why 3 ½

The kundalini is coiled three and half times around the special lingam int eh coccyx of the human being representing the three Gunas and the Kliphos.

The three complete turns each represent a Guna and the half turn represents the Kliphos or the infernal regions of creation.

Three Gunas

The Three Gunas are Sattva, Rayas and Tamas. Sattva is harmony, intelligence and beauty, while Rayas is movement, energy and action and Tamas is substance and inertia.

The three Gunas are considered in Hindu philosophy (also in Gnosis) as the three universal principles pervading all of nature. It is said nature is made of these three intelligent forces.

In fact in Gnosis it is said that the three Gunas within the Absolute were in a state of perfect equilibrium however due to the desire of some virginal sparks or Monads dwelling in the Absolute to be something or someone outside of the perfect multiple unity in the Absolute, the three Gunas became unbalanced and this disequilibrium among the three Gunas precipitated creation.

Please note, Gunas is a Sanskrit word meaning, thread or binding.


This is a word taken from the Kabbalah and it is the word for the infernal or submerged regions of nature, i.e. in more common terms the regions of hell as depicted by Dante in the first book “Inferno” of his Trilogy called the Divine Comedy.

What Does it Imply?

This has quite a significant implication actually, first of all the 3 and a half times presents all of creation. Meaning that the in the Kundalini or Divine Mother is all of creation and this is quite true as she in the form of the Cosmic Mother is the bosom of the Absolute.

The awakened kundalini is a the thread that takes us through all the regions of creation from the infernos or abyss to the Absolute where the three Gunas dwell in a state of equilibrium. This is represented by the journey that the Kundalini takes from the coccyx lower regions to the head the superior regions.

In the dormant state the 3 and a half times implies that the kundalini or the Divine Mother is the one that hypnotises us and takes us down into the infernal regions of nature. She as Master Samel says nerve abandons us, she either takes us to the heavens as the awakened serpent of fire and light or into the abyss polarised as the kundabuffer organ or “tail of Satan”.


In the Divine Mother is everything, in Her is all of creation and all of the principles of creation She is God as Mother. The kundalini is her first manifestation in us and it is the first part of our Being that we awaken in us, as the rising serpent kundalini.

She is the part of our Being that is the closest to us. She is there with us, She never abandons us!

We really have to awaken her to reach our liberation and the way to awaken her is taught in Gnosis and it is through the transmutation of the sexual energies done in a couple, man and woman, not as a single person!

End (124).


  1. My view is that the number of degrees in one rotation is 360. Two rotations is 720 and 3.5 rotations is 720 + 360 + 180 = 1260. Neurologically this is the number 9, since 1+2+6+0=9 the God number or Heaven number. So to find God consciousness you have to raise the kundalini energy all the way up through the 7 chakras in the spine. 7 is the number of God, 9 is heaven. 7 + 9 = 16, 1 + 6 = 7, again the God number. And you can drift of into eternity finding numbers for this and that. The only point I make is that they put 3.5 as it is 9.

  2. I question if this is your view or Bill Donahue's: I share his opinion too, but let's give credit where credit is due.
