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Wednesday 14 May 2014

Dark Night of the Soul (135)

What is it?

Master Samael described it as situation or a very difficult state where the initiate is in a process of transition between darkness and light or in other words between the ego and the consciousness.

The initiate has at the point of passing through the dark night of the soul a certain degree of awakening of the consciousness yet the initiate still has a large degree of ego, i.e. there is still sizable amounts of both light and darkness within the initiate.

This equal or nearly equal amount of light and darkness in the initiate is the problem, this undefined amorphous mixture within the person brings the dark night of the soul upon the person. The person is not accepted by the white lodge nor is the person accepted by the black lodge the initiate is somewhere in between abandoned by both sides. Typically the initiate feels very lonely and with force, that is without the force that comes from the Being and without the force that comes from being dedicated to the ego.

A Stage of the Path

The dark night of the soul is really the stage on the path where a balance is being processed, that is where the light has to come to win over the darkness and where the must come to stand as the dominant factor within the person. In short, the dark night of eh soul is there to tip the inner scales of the person toward the light.

For this to happen all the egos of materialism, pleasure and in general the egos related to earthly matters (i.e. the egos that tie one to the matter and darkness) must come out in the person for the person to work on and learn to defeat and once defeating them, extract the light from them to increase the amount of light or consciousness in the person.

That is why Master Samael said that usually in the dark night of the soul the initiates experience sexual failure, depression and other various other defects in a very intensely manner. In the dark night of the soul the defect of lust comes out in the person very intensely because it has to be worked upon and conquered and then dissolved. It also ties one to darkness and matter (also the abyss).

Why of the Dark Night

The dark night of the soul is obviously something very karmic, perhaps some initiates do not go through it for a lengthy period of time while others go through a very long and intense period of it. The dark night of the soul could certainly be used to pay karma as the initiate really suffers a great deal, especially morally.

It could also be due to the particular egoic structure of the person and it may well be the will of eh Being for the initiate to pass through a purification period which the dark night of the soul is really.

Perhaps also some initiates are able to develop their light very quickly and easily eclipse the darkness in them and so their dark night is minimal. It all depends on every particular case.


Master Samael said that the best way to pass through it is to give oneself to meditation in order to experience the Being and to contemplate the qualities of the soul and to get lost in that knowing of the soul. Pray, contemplate and meditate to polarise oneself as much as possible with the light. That is Master Samael’s advice.

The dark night of the soul could appear in the years of Job and perhaps during the fifth initiation where a great definition takes place within the person. Or it could even appear in a very minor octave in the minor initiations.

End (135).

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