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Monday 30 June 2014

How the Masters Can Help Us (148)

The Magic Lever

The magic lever that the angels, masters and Gods use to help us is love!

If we love something we can be helped. The masters, angels and Gods can use that love to help us. That is what they look for in us before they go to help us. If we have love in our heart for what we are asking for then they can mould circumstances and crystallise the help we need.

The Magic Lever is Inside Us

It is really amazing the magic lever that allows ourselves to be helped by the Gods is no other place but inside of us.

If we are wanting healing for someone, make sure they we have love in our heart for the person we want to be healed. If we are asking for help with the astral unfolding for example, make sure that you really love it, etc. If we are asking for help for the dissolution of a defect make sure we love the virtue and we love our Being and we want to see ourselves free of that defect and our Being free of that burden.

The Gods Mould, Shape and Direct our Love to Help Us

The Gods can mould, direct and channel our love in the best possible way for us. If there is love there is a door open or it can open doors.

Master Samael and Beelzebub (the love in Beelzebub’s heart was the magic lever)

Remember the way Master Samael was able to help Beelzebub in the abyss. Master Samael saw a blue light in Beelzebub’s chest (remember Beelzebub at that point was a terrible demon devoted to black magic) which was the love he had for his students of black magic. Master Samael saud that he would hug his students with his thick tail. By virtue of that love that was in Beelzebub’s heart Master Samael was moved to help him and he did in fact help him immensely.


Just make sure that when you want help from your Being, your Divine Mother or the masters, angels and the Gods, that you have love in your heart. It is the magic lever that makes what you are asking for to come to you! The love in your heart is a causal factor that moves circumstances and opens doors.

End (148).

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