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Tuesday 29 July 2014

Fear of Being in Creation (186)


Gnostically speaking, we have been thrust into creation, where we are subject to much pain and suffering and so much dependence and impermanence, our situation here is really dependent upon so many factors and we are so weak, we are so fragile, our body and our health can change for the worst with only a small incident. The human condition is very fragile.

The Way we take All of This

We instinctively perceive this, when we say instinctively we mean that we perceive it in our gut and not necessarily with our mind, but on a deeper more visceral level. We perceive the impermanence of everything here, the ever changeability of everything here. However the problem arises in us when we psychologically make a base or a reality or an identity out of this impermanent and fragile condition.

This becomes a problem because a part of us deep within maybe unknown to us perhaps, in our subconscious, knows that all is impermanent, but then on the other hand we begin to make a dependence or a base on that solidity and then these two opposites makes us to start to suffer because a clash is produced in us. We have fear because our subconscious knows that we will suffer if we make a base on impermanent things. We feel that fear because we are doing something wrong for and within ourselves.

We are an Essence

We have to see that we are essence really, that that is what we are. The essence is something that is there inherent by itself existing on its own side. It is not dependent.


We have to understand that in creation in the chaos much can happen to us and our health, what we enjoy in terms of the body in its nature will and has to disappear, it has to by law go. Though, the essence in us is the one that is permanent and does not get lost, it’s nature does not change unlike the body and everything else in this world.

We also feel fear that we can’t control chaos, we can’t control this nature of impermanence and something that is ever-changing. In conclusion we have to be more and more essence.

End (186).

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