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Wednesday 2 July 2014

Gnostic Answer to: Have Human Beings Evolved from Monkeys? (151)

The Statement: The Human Being Comes from the Evolution of Monkeys

I'll give you the Gnostic answer to this question which is actually quite amazing or surprising in some ways and in others ways it is what deep in ourselves we may have suspected all along.

Gnosis in a certain way in agreement with the claim that some people say that Science has made, which is asserting that the human being comes from the evolution of monkeys.

According to Gnosis the human machine (body) that we have now, or the human being now is really the result of countless processes of evolution in the form of modifications and adaptations. Gnosis says we are the result of the mixture of beasts and real human beings, that occurred in the final races of Lemuria and also in the final races of Atlantis.

Gnostic Origin of the Current Human Being

Master Samael said that back in those times, the real human being had their spiritual Being inside them, however they fell (sexually - losing the sexual energy) and inevitably degenerated and later mixed themselves sexually with the beasts of nature and the result was a half breed, a half human, half animal creature or humanoid. Since then countless modifications have occurred. The monkeys that are now in existence also come from that origin, they were not so lucky they were more animal than human. They (the monkeys) have the same origin as us and that is why science says that we come from them. Perhaps we are also the mixture of monkeys and human beings and the result of several processes of evolution rather than the direct result of the blend of animal and human.

Shocking I know

Sorry, if this is a bit shocking, it was very shocking for me, but now it makes more and more sense to me. We are an intellectual animal, none the less we an animal just with the power of speech and intellect. When we incarnate the human soul we are real men, real human beings, until then we are humanoids, we look like humans but in our inner constitution (psychological) we are still animal. There is much evidence of this, and it is in our animal sexual nature (losing the sexual energy) and in the animal egos that we have. We are so much like animals. Just study animals and you will see their egos and how similar our behavior is to theirs. Some animals even behave better than some human beings.

Human Beings Mixing with Animals

A human being now can mix with an animal but there will be no offspring. Back in the Atlantean and Lemurian times it was possible because the cosmic laws allowed it, but the cosmic laws have since been modified and this is not allowed. Stalin at one point wanted to create a race of half-breed humans (half chimpanzee and half human), however the offspring that was born only lived a few minutes. His intention was to create an inferior race that could be used to work as soldiers and as servants to the people of Russia.


Overall Master Samael says that adaptations and minor evolutionary processes exist, but it is not true that a fish or something or a mouse or something similar eventually becomes a human being or even a monkey becomes a human being. He says that it does not work to that extent. Science says we have evolved from monkeys because our DNA is 98% similar and other such similarities but that is because we have the same origin as them.

End (151).

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