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Thursday 24 July 2014

How We Should Take Criticism (178)


The best way to take criticism is to take a balanced position. Always be balanced in the face of criticism.

Some Home Truths about Criticism

Here are some truths about criticism that are very useful to remember. When you are being criticised, or know that you are going to be criticised or that you have just been criticised reading these truths will help you.

·         We can use it to improve ourselves. Because of that it can have a good outcome.
·         Not all criticism has to be constructive.
·         We have to be open to both types of criticism: constructive and non-constructive criticism.
·         There is some truth in it.
·         There is something false or exaggerated in it.
·         Disregard the ill-will component of criticism. Don’t allow yourself to be hurt by the ill-will you perceive coming from the other person.
·         It is only ever about a facet or aspect of your life. It is not about the whole of you.
·         We get hurt when criticised because we feel others don’t love us.
·         We get angry when criticised because we feel that we are perfect or beyond error or that our errors should not be talked about or corrected.
This list of trues about criticism is very important because understanding them deeply allows us to stop the criticism from invading the totality of our system. Don’t let the criticism become too large or big and spread into every area of our life. Because in truth, it only pertains to a small area of our life. If we let it go into every area of our life then that is where we enter to depression.


Reading the list after we have been criticised will helps us to neutralise the hurt or offense or disappointment that we feel when we get criticised. It will also turn us toward the active of correcting the faults in ourselves that attracted the criticism. Usually we hit the floor and don’t feel any energy or drive what so ever to correct our faults that brought about the criticism.

End (178).

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