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Thursday 17 July 2014

Hypnotised By Mother Nature (159)

Divine Mother Liberates Us Either Way

The aspirant has to liberate him or herself from life, nature and much later from creation. That is something that Master Samael taught us, that the Divine Mother either liberates us from hypnosis through the power of the kundalini or She sends us to the abyss increasing our hypnosis through the kundabuffer. Either way She is working for our liberation, just that through the abyss it takes a lot longer and we get free (100% free essence) but not all that free essence is fully awakened, only 3% of it is.

Mother Nature Entertains Us with Inventions

But getting back to the subject Mother Nature or the nature aspect of the Divine Mother entertains basically the sleeping humanity with toys to stop them from creating wars and doing harmful or destructive things to themselves and nature and it turns out that those inventions can be very useful and save many lives, but if used for evil they can also aid the spread of evil as well.

Liberate Ourselves from the Hypnotic Control of Mother Nature

We have to though get over that hypnotic control of Mother Nature, and relate to her consciously. She happens to resent that we come out of that hypnotic control; because She is scared that being awaken we will not follow through with her plans to continue creation etc.

Even if we are admiring all her inventions that she inspires in us to invent, we are still hypnotised by her, even if those inventions help so many people.

Using the Inventions of Mother Nature

We can use those inventions in their positive side but not be fascinated by them and forget our work by over using them and really getting into them. They should just to be tools to make our life easier, as soon as they take time from us then we are coming under Her hypnotic control. Which for us is not good but for sleeping humanity it is good, because it is much better to be reading about how to configure our ipad or iphone for voice control then causing trouble throwing stones and firing bullets etc. etc.


We are hypnotised from within by the power of the Divine Mother in her negative aspect. We though through Her can liberate ourselves from this hypnotic control through her in her positive fiery and light aspect, which is called the Kundalini.

You know, the technology that we have available today replaces our very human and igneous faculties. We have within us the ability to receive and send telepathic messages but that has all but been forgotten about now thanks largely to the invention of the mobile phone. As an awakened being we have all that we need, we wouldn’t need all these inventions only if we were awakened.

End (159).

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