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Monday 28 July 2014

Order of Working with the Being (182)

Tree of Life

If we look at the Kabbalistic tree or the tree of life we can gleam the relationship that exists between the various parts of the Being on the tree of life.

Reaching Kether

The Intimate or Jesed is joined to his Father who is Kether. So if we want to reach Kether we should concentrate on Jesed or our Intimate or our Atman or our Spirit.

Reaching Atman or Jesed/Chesed

If we want to reach Atman, Chesed or our Intimate we can concentrate on our human soul as they are the Being or they constitute the Being. The three join together to be one. This happens for real at the end of the first major initiation where Buddhi and Atman or Geburah and Chesed join together to become one.

Reaching Chockmah

To reach Chockmah we can concentrate on our intimate Christ and to reach our intimate Christ we can concentrate on our human soul, because, the human soul is the human face of our intimate Christ.


It is convenient to say at this point that he Being is Atman, Buddhi, Manas and the Monad is Kether, Chockmah and Binah. Coincidentally to reach Binah we can concentrate on the Divine Mother.

End (182).

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