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Wednesday 30 July 2014

Separation from the Ego I (189)


This is such an important stage in the dissolution of the ego without it we go nowhere.

Techniques to Separate from the Ego

Some techniques that we can use to separate from the ego are:

Knowing the Ego Beforehand

When we know the ego well, we know when it will come. We get to know the ego by having observed it for so many years.

When we can predict that it will come or when we see that it appears as a reaction, that is when it appears mechanically and later disappears we have some separation. This separation comes from the understanding that we see it as something mechanical as something is that is not us as something that lives in our psychology, as something that we carry around with us, but not us because we don’t assign to ourselves its mechanical qualities.

A Beast Living in our Head

When we understand that it is like a beast or a creature living in our head. We can separate when we don’t need it. When we know we can do without it. The thing that it gives you, you can do without. We also need some death to be able to separate as well.


What are some of the obstacles to separating from the ego? The main one is really the hypnotic grip of the ego.

Two Ways to Separate from the Ego

There are two ways one is a global way and the other is an particular or general way. Separation is to break the hypnotic grip. The hypnotic grip is tackled with the key of contrast. Contrast is the same key as the questioning oneself. We have some truth and we have to contrast what we are thinking against the truth that we know.

Hypnotic Grip

There when we are working on separation we really face the hypnotic grip of the ego. In fact that is the obstacle for us to be able to separate from the ego it is the hypnotic grip. The most important step in the dissolution of the ego is separation.


We have to see that in separation there is a great deal of definition. It is really there where we decide that we want to eliminate the ego. In fact without separation we can’t do anything in relation to the ego.

End (189).

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