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Monday 21 July 2014

The Senses and Lust (168)


There are certain body parts that lust likes. This is undeniable. We don’t like to admit it, but it exists within us, or at least there is a certain preference of one part of the body to another.

For men the breasts and the buttocks are great fascination. Why? We can analyse this and see that both of these parts are round and symmetrical. In other words they both immediately please the visual sense. What is round, smooth, shiny and proportional pleases or attracts the visual sense.

Senses Convey Information

Each sense also gives us certain bits of information, and in turn these bits of information are interpreted by the mind or to be exact it is the ego in the mind that interprets them.

Desire and Memory

Desire is based on the memory of pleasure and the yearning of the senses for pleasure. Because the senses are pleased and they make the mind know that they are pleased. The senses are connected to our mind through the layer of the sensual mind, which is the outermost layer.

What Pleases the Tactile and Visual Sense

So smoothness pleases the touch sense. The data from the visual sense indicates to the mind that the tactile sense will be pleased. Also the visual sense indicates to the mind the taste sense will be pleased or not pleased. The most important sense here is really the visual sense, and to lust it is absolutely crucial. Because through the visual sense lust knows that the other senses will be pleased, and most importantly it determines the sexual sense or organs will be pleased.

The Issue – Senses and the Mind

The problem is that the way the touch sense entices the mind is by using imagination, it has to create a scenario for us to in our imagination go and experience the object of desire and that way using our imagination appeal to our sexual sensations.

Main Senses for Lust

The main senses for lust are the eyes, touch and hearing. Hearing conveys essentially the information that enjoyment is being produced. So it produces in us psychological sensations that drive us forward.
The visual sense and the tactile sense work very much with the instinctive centre.

Interpretation of the Senses

Symmetry and proportion also appeal to our visual sense. The more perfectly symmetrical the more our visual sense is pleased and the interpretation is that we will be comforted or abundantly. Usually with abundance we feel comfortable or secure, with little we do not feel comfortable or secure on the contrary we feel worried and anxious. So large buttocks and breasts, inspire such sensations in a person, that in turn create emotions. The emotion that the pleasure or satisfaction of the senses implies is what pleases us or gets us hooked. When we feel abundance and security we are attracted and hooked, when we feel the opposite we are repelled.


Know what pleases your senses and understand how it relates to lust and then observe and study how your mind interprets that information from the senses. Know that that the senses are not evil or dirty they are just as they are. They perceive according to their nature. The part that needs correction is what is done by our mind with the information that they the senses provide.

End (168).

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