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Tuesday 15 July 2014

Thoughts, Emotions Pass – The Being Doesn’t (154)

Everything Passes

I would just like to say that everything passes, emotional states and mental states. The positive ones and even the negative ones also pass. Thank God, that is the nature of thoughts and emotions. Even people and circumstances pass, they are like birds that settle to drink from a lake and then take flight.

True and Permanent in Us

The true and permanent in us is our Essence and our inner divine Being. Sometimes the circumstances of our life once we are in Gnosis drive us (by the direction of our own Being) to look within for this inner truth and for this inner reference where we can be grounded in our inner Being and reliant upon that rather than external circumstances to be at peace or happy.

This happens especially when things in Gnosis or people in Gnosis disappoint us. We have to go within and be more and more based in our interior source of life, wisdom and strength. Look upon our Being for happiness, for love, for wisdom and for self-validation, self-confirmation and for our true identity.

In Our Own Being

In our very own Being or consciousness we are not less or more or bad or good or liked or not liked, we are the consciousness and the consciousness is none of those things. You are, we are at the true depth of ourselves awareness, consciousness, love, wisdom, strength, justice, truth and so many other attributes.

Working on Ourselves is Challenging

Often to tell you the truth Gnosis can be very bitter, not Gnosis as the knowledge (because it is a medicine) but our experience of working with the knowledge. The work on ourselves and the application of the knowledge can be very difficult, circumstances and events really at times in Gnosis with people studying Gnosis push us and challenge us to find a new comprehension, a comprehension that will make us feel at peace especially when we see something as unfair or not good and there is not much we can do to change it.


Always look to your Being inside you for your happiness and your peace and when things are unfair put them in hands to resolve or make right!

End (154).

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