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Wednesday 16 July 2014

We Must Take the First Step (156)

The Being Appreciates Our Efforts

Our inner Being appreciates so much our sacrifices and efforts and as soon as we decide to work hard and take the first steps He (our Father in Secret) and She (our Divine Mother) come to help, they, who together are your inner Being will help you.

The Being and Especially Her Never Abandon Us

They (our Being He and She) are there watching and waiting to help and always will be waiting and watching to help us. The Divine Mother even if we go to the abyss, She still helps us and never abandons us, She though in the abyss helps us in a very different way, instead of taking us out she accelerates our passage through the abyss by polarising herself into what is called the Kundabuffer, which when developed accelerates our passage through the abyss.

Why you may ask, because it is a principle of the path, because deep in you it is the Being in you that does the work, He and She just have to have you, start the work and take the first steps. Once we have decided to take the first step and have actually taken it and are demonstrating in our heart and in action that we want to continue they, our inner Being He and She come to take over and or help immensely. That never fails. Well almost, there are mind you special stages of the path or the work where we are left alone, as a test, just to see what the essence or the soul has, and what is the soul’s capacity to continue and actually finish the Great Work.

End (156).

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