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Thursday 17 July 2014

Working Mental Representations (161)


The topic of mental representations is particularly interesting when it comes to other people.

Master Samael says that mental representations are what we think about something or someone, and those mental representations have come from external sources, rather than direct experience. Mental representations are what we have in our mind about a certain something or somebody, they are things in our mind that represent to us something or someone and they replace the direct experience.

Mental Representations Change

We may get along well with another person and therefore create in our mind a good concept of the person. Though one day a person comes to us and describes an event where the person got angry and then something changes in our thinking and feeling toward that person. We feel distant, uneasy when we remember the person. We even start to have some negative thoughts related to the person that we didn’t have before. What has happened is that we have changed our concept of the person and in our mind we have a negative representation or mental representation of that person.

Something in our mind begins to distort our memories of them seeing them as awful or evil. We begin to remember them in a strange distorted light. We should immediately question what we are seeing or thinking, asking ourselves is it true? Of course not, it is not true! They are the same as they have always been and therefore they should appear the same, it is only our mind that has changed.

We have created a negative mental representation and we see or remember the person through that representation. The person like us has many egos and they just acted with the ego just as we do. We have to neutralise that new negative mental representation.

We may be scared that a strange thing will develop between them and us and that it will bring conflict and disagreeable feelings. See how powerful changing mental representations can be and how much havoc they bring to human relations.


It is worthwhile dissolving mental representations and getting exact concepts in our mind through direct experience.

Master Samael said that we have to eliminate them with e help of the Divine Mother, asking her to disintegrate them. He says that they do not have essence in them but they have a certain manasic substance which is the Sanskrit name for mental substance.

End (161).

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