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Monday 4 August 2014

The Separation from the Different “I’s” (197)

The Various Logic of the “I’s”

Each “I” has its particular logic. When do we need separation? Only when the ego is in the human machine do we need to separate our consciousness from it.


When we are identified with the ego it is in our human machine. There is no other way than this that it can happen. Why do I say this, because the one that lives or had the proper, full and authentic right to be in the human machine is the essence. Though when we make the mistake of joining ourselves, that is with ‘ourselves’ being the consciousness to the ego which is something outside of us it comes into us or into the human machine and we have the ego within our human machine because we made or our consciousness made the mistake of getting identified with it.

The error of identification brings the ego inside us, that is to the human machine. So no identification with the ego, no entrance of the ego into our human machine.


To be able to separate the ego from consciousness requires that we do it as quickly as possible, before the ego gains too much momentum.

In order to separate the ego we have to activate the consciousness. There are many ways to do that, one is understanding that whatever you think and feel you are you are not. As we have said before separation is really the understating and a state of consciousness that the go is not us and that can be separated from us.


What makes separation difficult is the hypnotic grip of the ego, because that is what keeps the ego in the human machine. The hypnotic grip is the belief in something that is false. Only reality is best and reality brings everything into perspective and instills peace.

End (197).

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