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Friday 22 August 2014

Two Types of Destiny (213)


There are two types of destiny or well actually three where the third is a mixture of or a hybrid of the original two types.

Basically everyone is born with one type and only with conscious efforts can we change to the second type.
These two types of destiny are called: mechanical destiny (common to all human beings) and conscious destiny (a destiny forged by the consciousness, soul or Being of the person).

This post describes these two destinies.

Mechanical Destiny

Our mechanical destiny is the one that has been forged by our past and our karmic debts and by the mechanical elements that we have within our psychology.

We are primarily mechanical creatures and so our reactions and behaviours can be predicted and because of that our whole life can be predicted. So then because of the egos that we have especially the causal egos (because they set up circumstances in our life) our life marches along a pre-set line, a line that basically we set up because we are mechanical and one which the Divine Law sets up.

The Divine Law basically set the various events that come to our life. They set up how much scarcity and abundance there will be in our life. They set up the various good and bad opportunities that will come our way in life. However they program our life so that we pay the karmic debts that we have.

One element of the conscious destiny is to be able to pay off our debts consciously and be able to negotiate their payment.

Conscious Destiny

The conscious destiny is one set by the work oneself and by our inner Being. The conscious destiny has our real Being at the centre and his realisation. There of course may also be the mission that He wishes to carry out.

When we create fully our conscious destiny the Being is in charge of our life and He decides when we are to die physically, essentially the Being in us has defeated death, She – death can do us no harm, She does not come to us when She wants or when the Law says that She has to come to us. She comes to us when the Being in us decides.

This is the triumph of Atman in us. The Being or Atman in charge of His universe, we are all a universe in miniature.

That is really marvellous isn’t it. That should be our most urgent yearning, to die in ourselves to give way to our inner Being to take over! We as we are do not have much future and we do not have much to offer the Being either. Only with our death do we conquer death it is said!


In conclusion, we certainly have one destiny, and if we are studying Gnosis we have a mixture of the mechanical and the one set by the Being in accordance with the Divine Law, and really it is up to us now to continue following this new line of destiny by working on ourselves and eventually fully create the conscious destiny set by your real Being.

The more we work on ourselves and help humanity spiritually the more we create, shape and set this new conscious destiny.

End (213).

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