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Friday 19 September 2014

Discerning Right from Wrong (234)


This is such an important skill in life and in the path. It seems that we are always learning about what is right and what is wrong and when we have made a mistake it is mostly because we didn’t know that it was wrong or would bring harmful or inconvenient consequences.

We really have to have a way to work out if something is wrong or right if our intuition or consciousness or conscience is not telling or even hinting at anything.

How to Discern Right from Wrong

What I am going to do here is give you a system or a technique that will help to discern right from wrong.

Basically the technique is based on the wisdom that “every tree is known by its fruit”. In other words something that is wrong is known by its end result or consequences.

So to know right from wrong we have to project into the future to see the consequences and end results.

Key – Look for the End Results!

So here is the key, if you want to know whether something is wrong or right use cause and effect to see the chain of events that will unfold and then gauge whether these events will be convenient for you and for others.

If you want to know if a thought is right or wrong do the same, see how the thought becomes an emotion and how the emotion becomes and action and the action generates events and circumstances and reactions and more actions and so on and so on. Will they be convenient for you and others?


Apply these key whenever you are in doubt, that is whenever your conscience or intuition or consciousness is not speaking to you loud or clear or is not even giving the slightest hint.

Well if you get it wrong then you know already for next time and tell as many other people as you can so that they know as well.

End (234).

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