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Friday 31 October 2014

Consciousness and Attention (268)


Consciousness and attention are very much linked.

Our consciousness is where our attention is. If we put or focus our attention onto something our consciousness is there. With our consciousness focused on something or our attention on something our consciousness begins to see, understand, become aware and reveal information and truths about the object that we are focusing our attention on.

Consciousness is in Your Mind and “Put your Mind to it!”

People say put your mind to something and you will achieve it. That is true because when we put our mind onto something we put our attention onto it and therefore our consciousness. With our consciousness focussed on something the consciousness with its magic supplies all the creativity, invention, conviction and force to work so to achieve our goals.


Our consciousness is a light or a light bulb if you will, and is something that can be focused and only really works when it is focused. Consciousness is light that allows one awareness and immediate ccognizance If we want to know something we just have to focus our attention onto something and then the light of our consciousness will reveal or make us to see what is needed or wanted.

End (268).

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