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Wednesday 15 October 2014

Creating a Line of Work on the Ego – A Project (256)


We have to make the work on the ego like a project. Something that we pick up everyday from where we left and follow a coherent logical line, until the didactic of the Being and the Divine Mother takes over.

A Line of Work

Create a line of working on that ego. That is a small set of tasks that will weaken the ego and build the inner scenario for it to come and take us by surprise.

A suggestion for such a series of tasks to weaken that ego preventing such a massive attack are:


Stop its rolls of thinking and inventing, by taking your attention off its issues and thoughts.


Remembering how last time it led you to ruin and how this time it will do the same so do not want what it wants do not become it, do not take its identity and do not decide to go into it.


Take it as an ego, as something that is bothering you as something that you do not need. That is the most dangerous thing when we feel that we need what the ego wants.


Work in comprehension and work in elimination. Beg the Divine Mother intensely to weaken that ego.


We work on the ego very adhoc and without much coherence and monitoring of progress. In our human life we do well, we start a project, work at its completion going through various stages and we finally get it complete but we do not do the same with the ego.

As this works in human life it can also working our psychological and esoteric life as well.

End (256).

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