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Thursday 16 October 2014

Infrasexuality and the Fragmentation of Sexuality (258)


Infrasexuality or infrasexual are certainly terms that in the beginning surprise one to hear them, mainly because we may never thought of sexuality as having a superior and inferior classification to it. However, after some time reflecting on the subject it becomes clear that there are different types of sexuality. Some that seem healthy and others that are not.

Definition of Infrasexuality

Master Samael I believe gives an excellent definition of infrasexuality. He essentially describes it as being sexuality devoid of love and sexuality trapped in sensations, senses and matter.

Curious Observation Regarding Infrasexuality

There is one curious observation regarding infrasexuality and that is that there are many facets to it. That is, it is characterised by fragmentation, infrasexuality seems to be the fragmentation of sexuality into the various combinations of sex and other things such as drugs, alcohol, violence, money etc. that do not have anything to do with sex. So in a nutshell infrasexuality is the fragmentation of sexuality.

It is amazing how sexuality fragments into an inverted tree, that is the inverted tree of infrasexuality. Furthermore, there seems to be a very distinct set of fractioning of human sexuality into infrasexuality. There seems to be a set number of classes or facets or fragments to infrasexuality that all human beings fall gravitate to or fall into.

The very interesting thing on the other hand is that there is no fragmentation to suprasexuality. Suprasexuality is just one, there is no fragmentation there but only union.

Why this Fragmentation?

This fragmentation exists because our psychology is fragmented, and the origin of our fragmented psychology is in the various concepts that we have. I can’t say too much more about this, I have to investigate and reflect further to be able to say something much more accurate and true.

Anyhow our sexuality is like our psychology, when our psychology is fragmented our sexuality is fragmented and when our psychology is more and more united and whole then the same with out sexuality.

A Fragment of Sexuality in Every Event in Life

If sexual energy or sexuality is the base of life then that implies that sexuality and sexual energy is in everything in life. Then there is a part of our sexuality that acts or manifests or is present in each event of life. In other words, we could say that there is a sexual counterpart (of course is extraordinarily subtle for normal events like catching a bus etc.) to each aspect of life.

Therefore imagine then that infrasexuality is these little parts of our sexuality that are devoted to helping us in the many events of life gone astray or wrong or blown way out of proportion in the sexual side. Infrasexuality in its fragmentation is the sexualisation of other things that do not have much to do with sex, such as business, money, drinking, car racing, fighting, pain, eating food, etc. etc.

However supra sexuality unites all the sexual parts into one life and gives the right proportion of healthy sexual energy to every event in life and does not sexualise anything that should not be sexualised, such as money, gambling, alcohol, car racing etc.


Infrasexuality is fragmentation of our sexuality, just as the many “I’s” fragment tour psychology. Suprasexuality is the unification of sexuality into one. There are no apparent facets to superior sexuality. Therefore when one earnestly practices Alchemy or suprasexuality their sexuality gradually becomes one. While those who practice infrasexuality have a fragmented sexuality.

End (258).

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