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Monday 6 October 2014

What is in our Future Lives? (246)


We know that we are going to have some future lives especially if we know what life we are in? If we are in life number 106 then we know that we are going to have two more lives at least: 107 and 108. The interesting question is what will be doing in lives number 107 and 108, it is very interesting and useful to know.

If we Yearn to Know

If we are very worried about it or we really yearn to know what we are going to do in our future lives then as a gift of our interior Divinity or as a gift from another Master very close to us we can be told.
It is very comforting to know and it essentially explains the why of so many circumstances of your current life. It also explains the reason why you are the way you are to some degree.

Will of the Being

What we are going to do in our future lives is essentially according to the will of the Being. It is really what our Being wants to do. However, it depends so much on us following the line of the work on ourselves that we are currently on. Of we deviate from that line it can all change.


If we find out what we are going to be doing in the next few lives we can relax internally, or in other words stop worrying on one hand but on the other hand work very hard to make it come true.

If what we find out is something good we must keep following the line we are on, but if it is something not so good then we can change it, there is still time, and this life is extraordinarily useful and critical for us to use well and wisely to be able to that.

End (246).

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