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Sunday 5 October 2014

Working on Lust Returns you to Wholeness (244)


There is a point where we really struggle to find new and powerful reasons to dissolve an ego and sometime we can’t but by virtue of the old very good reasons we preserve in the work on an ego and then as a result of that work we realise the benefit of working on that ego and we consequently feel the new reasons. Sometime the new reasons are not to be conceived with the mind but they are to be felt.

One of the benefits of working on lust is that it brings wholeness to ourselves and to our life. I will tell you why working on lust brings you wholeness.

In Sexuality there is Union

Sexuality is very obviously about unity, it brings connection, communion and unity between two people but more importantly within oneself, it unites and harmonises the different parts within oneself – that is peace. Sexuality (supra-sex) brings connection and union between the higher and lower parts of the Being. It has the power to create connections in within us. It creates within us, unifying our interior organization.

If we are united inside of ourselves our physical and external life will also follow suit and become unified, whole, harmonised, balanced and matched altogether.

As we know the sexual force can create and destroy. If we use sexuality wrongly we can break down the unity within us and cut many inner connections and create much disharmony within ourselves, and when we do that we divide our life.

In Lust there is the Break Down in Unity

Lust has that power to disharmonise things within us, it divides our interior life and therefore our physical life. It tries to make us do things that will take us out of the normal circumstances, expectations, routine and line of our life. And when or if we do that our life will suffer some large cracks. Like adultery for example is exactly that where lust takes the man or the woman totally out of their circumstances into another life, a second life almost and that then divides the person’s life. The person ends up divorcing and probably as is the usual case ends up alone.

Conclusion – the Reward

So in conclusion the reward or benefit one gets by working on the ego of lust is wholeness and an overall well-being and a certain happiness, not to mention peace. This is an immense benefit and a reason to continue to work on lust. Unity is peace, balance, happiness whereas division is pain, suffering, stress and the instigation of a successive break down of connections within ourselves and then soon after a within our physical external life.

End (244).

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