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Wednesday 5 November 2014

Reason why Fornication Bears so much Karma - (272)


The main reason why human beings currently strengthen lust and fornication so much is because of the ignorance of the mysteries of sex. If one knew in depth about sex and sexual energy not only from the physical perspective but from the psychological and esoteric perspectives the human being would use sex and behave sexually, in a very different way to the current and common way.

Sexual Energy

Sexual energy is the same life force as our essence, but it is that life force condensed into a physical form. The problem is that the human being does not know that, nor suspect it, so to the normal way of thinking is that the sexual energy does not carry much value, people value silver, gold, diamonds, cars, computers etc. much more and so for people to expel it from the body is no big deal and because people do not know the value of the sexual energy, the karma they get for expelling it is less than for the one that knows.

If one Knows

If one knows what the sexual energy is and one expels it then the whole situation changes. Expelling the sexual energy then is a voluntary act and that incurs serious karma. Why? Because when one expels the sexual energy one is wasting or destroying the life force energy of the Universe deposited into him or her and so one is pronouncing one against the same life force energy that animates everything in creation, human beings, animals, insects, trees, minerals etc.
So in fornicating one is against the life force energy of the cosmos and to be voluntarily doing this means to be against the whole of life, the source of life even, and so one is an enemy of the balance, the unity, the harmony, life itself in the universe. Therefore a great karma falls upon the person, with the purpose of the person being able to balance the great imbalance they have created in themselves by being against balance and disturbing the balance within themselves.

Also as Master Samael explains, when one fornicates or loses the sexual energy very negative atoms enter the body to fill the void that was created. And of course living up to their name these negative atoms create negative states within us and negative states lead to negative actions which lead to much disharmony and eventually pain in the home or relationship or in the relationship with oneself.


That is really why we get so much karma for fornicating because we with that act put ourselves against eh source of life. We even get karma if we do not know anything about the sexual energy because we are still expelling life from ourselves. The karma though is less than it is for those who know about what the sexual energy is. That is why the person who transmutes needs much death so not as to be tempted by the ego to make mistakes such as fornication which incur great karma and stop one, or throw one off the path.

End (272).

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