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Wednesday 19 November 2014

Sometimes Sacrifice Can NOT be Avoided - (274)


We may spend much time and effort working on ourselves so that we don’t feel the harshness or pain of having to make a sacrifice, or simply we may just not want to make a sacrifice, that is give something up that proves very painful and difficult to do.

Moment of Comprehension

After much struggle and comprehension the moment arrives that you realise that really to progress something must be given up or sacrificed. In other words something inferior must be given up to make way for something superior.

Suspension and Depression

It always happens that the longer we delay making this sacrifice the more in suspension we hold ourselves, and to be held in suspension for too long is very dangerous, especially on our morale. Depression easily follows the state of being held in the state of non-progress.

Not Accepting Sacrifice

Our whole problem before this moment was that we fought and fought against this idea that we had to give this thing up, we fought and rebelled and rejected the idea that a sacrifice had to be made and we even felt it far too difficult to make that sacrifice. We all the time thought that we could have this thing and still make progress or that having it wouldn’t matter or that it really does not need to be sacrificed because it is just too pleasurable and furthermore that it can not be sacrificed even.

When we think that things do not have to be sacrificed we are wrong, because sacrifice is going on all around us all the time. Just like Master Samael says petrol is sacrificed in the engine of a car to make it move and coal is sacrificed in the engine of locomotive to make the train move. Oxygen is sacrificed to allow us to breathe, animals and plants are all sacrificed for us to eat and continue living. 

This is sacrifice in action because the human being is a very important organ of the Earth and so nature makes a sacrifice whereby an inferior creature is sacrificed to allow a superior creature to continue existing so as to continue the life of the planet.

Pain of Sacrifice

We may have the idea that pain is not part of the work on ourselves and generally it is not and working on ourselves makes us happier and heals much of the psychological pain that we feel. However, just sometimes we can not avoid making sacrifices that cost us some difficulty or pain. 

The real message of this post is that really at times we have to make some sacrifices that hurt but are for the better, they lead us to the superior. So pain of sacrifice is sometimes unavoidable but suffering is up to us.

True Sacrifices

True sacrifices are held true because behind them is a solid logical and noble reason. There are of course useless sacrifices where something was sacrificed to only lead nowhere. When we sacrifice something it is always to attain something superior. This superior thing of course has to be wanted by the person and has to be understood by the person making the sacrifice that it is much better for them and others.


So in conclusion the point that wanted to make with this post is that just sometimes we have to sacrifice things in order to be truly able to dissolve the ego. We need to give up things and we need to bear the pain and difficulty of it. The difficulty or pain of it can be made very bearable by fully understanding that we are sacrificing something to gain something superior and that something superior will elevate us to much happier, peaceful and enlightened state or level of Being.

“Master Samael says it so wisely in that for something to be born, something has first to die”, and sometimes that which has to die has to be sacrificed. This can not be avoided.

End (274).

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