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Wednesday 17 December 2014

Metals in Life and Esotericism - (282)


It seems to me that because metals are so important in our everyday life and body they must be significant in the esoteric or spiritual realm as well. 

A Plan

The next series of posts are about investigating a little this small inquietude of mine. For this I am going to choose to start with the metal iron, mainly because it is features so frequently in our day to day life and it is quite important to our body’s health.

I also hope to investigate and post information about the other very important metals in our life, such as copper, gold, silver, lead, aluminium, tin and zinc. The elements of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen are also very important to our life as well, and we know from Master Samael’s teachings that carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are important esoterically because they represent the superior existential bodies of the Being.

A Very Good Book

A very good book on this subject of metals is “The Secrets of Metals” written by Wilhelm Pelikan. Pelikan was a student of Rudolf Steiner and it is said that he devoted most of his life to the study of Anthroposophy.


Basically this can all be synthesised in the great maxim from Hermes Trismegistus “as above so below”. As metals are important here they are important above. Because metals are important in the Earth and as we are a universe in miniature, we have the metals within us in a degree corresponding to our size and they are just as important to us as they are to the Earth and the cosmos.

End (283).

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