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Tuesday 16 December 2014

What is my Identity? Answer ‘No Identity’- (280)


This is something I have been feeling for a while now, that I didn't really know who I was or I couldn't find an identity within myself. I have been thinking and searching a lot and last week talking to my teacher my conclusion is that our identity is really "no-identity".

No-Identity as our Identity

That of the "no-identity" should be understood as the lived experience of the consciousness, of our own awareness peering into itself experiencing, understanding, perceiving the great mystery of ourselves as "no-identity". So our identity is us carrying around the experience of our awareness or consciousness peering into that vastness of consciousness inside of us and perceiving a mystery there but knowing still that you 'are', that you are a reality in life, that you are a ray or spark or stream of life.

Further Confirmation and application

I asked someone with a great deal of consciousness and experience in these studies about whether the consciousness has an identity and he said “no”. Because an identity is a concept, a role, a function, a belief and the consciousness does not have any of those things.

This to me makes sense because say when someone is criticizing us and if we go to that "no-identity" state then it is heaps easier to handle because if we have our identity as Paul, the nice guy, tried to do the best job but unbeknownst got it wrong and shouldn't get talked to so hard etc. etc., it is really much more difficult to not get defensive and react etc. For me the "no-identity" part makes the dissolution of the ego more possible, especially for Pride, because the essence can't get humiliated, it is very hard to humiliate or put down awareness or consciousness, but an identity can be put down, ridiculed etc.

Real Identity in the Being

I have been also thinking about the Being as being our real identity, I asked my teacher about that one too and he said that the identity of the Being is really like a nature and a function at this level in creation for us to understand it, but outside of creation He is no form, no identity, consciousness, just pure energy of the highest degree, absolute immortality, origin unknown - maybe of no origin etc. That of knowing the ray of the Being is great but it left me a little like wanting more, like in the end the ray of the Being in our mind is just a string of words, there are heaps of Monads belonging to the same ray and then still one doesn't really know His identity - I imagine it has to be experienced somehow. Anyway I'm still got more to work out about that one maybe with an experience one day it will gel together.


As the essence we can quite practicably realise or discover that our identity is ‘no-identity’ and dwell in that freedom. As for the identity of the Being that has to be experienced in higher, much higher states of consciousness where our consciousness fuses with His, i.e. in the fourth state of consciousness the awakened consciousness.

End (280).

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