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Monday 26 January 2015

Change is Constant - (310)


We in life have to expect everything especially outside of ourselves to change for better or worse.

Things that Change

Circumstances change, people change, destiny changes, health changes, appearance change, parents change, society changes, technology changes, cars change, the Earth changes, our body changes.

What Does not Change

Our Being does not change and eh moment does not change. Our essence does not change either. Love does not change. Truth does not change. Principles do not change, the Absolute does not change. All that is of the Absolute does not change.


Being aware that everything changes helps one to be adaptable, just like water. All the elements are adaptable to some degree, except Earth. Water is the definitely the most adaptable. To be adaptable is to be realistic in life and to avoid much suffering. Sometimes though being too adaptable is not good, especially where being adaptable to someone’s bad egos comes into play. There you need a bit of Earth and stand firm.

End (310).

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