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Wednesday 28 January 2015

Symptoms we have Left our Abyss for Now - (312)


There are signs or indications that we can know that we have left our own abyss. Not forever but for now and later to return. Note, the length and depth to which we return to, depends a lot on us.

Why do we Descend?

We descend into our own abyss essentially when we identify with the ego. We go either because we allow it or because the Typhon by order of our Real Being submerges us there for us to work on a particular ego. There in our own abyss we can understand the ego deeply, know its nature, know the good and bad in it and when we are there if the ego is a heavy one we can understand, even though we may not really want to, the reason why people in history have done the things they have done.

Things and actions of the ego in us and the egos of others that we could not understand before we come to understand now while we are submerged in our abyss, which is in many the same experience as when others are submerged in their abyss.

What does it Feel like to be in our Own Abyss

We are essentially besieged by the ego, we suffer, it is so very difficult to shake off the ego. It is difficult to let go of the thoughts and difficult to displace the ego. We become are very egotistical and tunnel visioned and selfish, we wear the lenses of the ego and we feel its desires intensely, its frustrations and suffering all very intensely. We feel out of control, but under its control, we don’t want to be but we are and we can not deny it. We feel oppressed, almost like a prisoner to it, we have lost our life to it. Normality seems like a blessing that we are not blessed with.

When we Leave out Abyss

After our learning about a particular ego is compete, and we have made our efforts sometimes super efforts to leave our own abyss or sacrifice that ego or stop its identification and start to work seriously and intensely on it  we leave our abyss.

Leaving our abyss is very noticeable. Here are the symptoms or things that you feel when you leave your own abyss. 

You feel happy to be alive once again. You feel the fresh air, life is sweet again. Life returns to you. Your psychological space returns to you. Your mind is clear. The oppression ends, You feel free and optimistic once again. Your natural charity and good will returns, you care about people again. Your enthusiasm returns. Your energy returns but most of all you can see the sky and the sun and feel the air with much joy. Everything regains its shine, while before everything seemed dull, heavy, tiresome and impossible.


We descend into our abyss when we get identified. We can leave our abyss by sacrificing the view point, desire, goals, feelings etc. of that ego feeding our identification with it.

However, we can be thrown into our own abyss by karma or the Typhon, there we have to make the most of it and learn and work very hard to gain the right to leave. There in our own abyss is where we have to triumph over the ego and we learn the most magnificent keys to overcome and defeat that ego. Nowhere else do we for ourselves learn these keys.

Unfortunately it seems as though it is a necessary thing to have to descend.

Every ascension is preceded by a humiliating descent says Master Samael. He is so wise.

End (312).


  1. As you have written, when we leave our abyss, indeed we feel the joy of life.

    But, another way to look at it is that our work has just become harder.

    You see, the egos are not acting up now. They are not troubling us so much. But they still exist in our subconscious. So, in these times of relaxation, instead of relaxing, we must work even harder. We must work intensely to magnify our sense of psychological self-observation. This means that one must not relax even for a second. And soon as we catch an ego deep within our psyche, even though it may not surface, we must take it to meditation and, subsequently, ask for elimination.

    Like the story "Devil and Fried Eggs".

    1. Thank you for that comment. You are very right. We can't get complacent.
