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Tuesday 6 January 2015

When Under Temptation – Let Thoughts Go! - (298)


When under temptation there are many things that a person can do to help themselves. One important and very effective recourse is to do with one’s thoughts.

Thoughts Create, Sustain and Intensify Temptation

Observe them but try very hard to release or let the thoughts go related to the temptation. This is very important because the temptation is made worse and perhaps was even created from thoughts. The thought and us following and thinking about the thoughts creates the temptation and creates a state in us where we can’t resist the temptation.

To think about the temptation is to put fuel onto the fire, making it burn out of control. When we lose control is when we fall into the temptations and that is all brought about believe it or not by our thoughts.

Release Tempting Thoughts Enter Control

Our thoughts make us happy or very sad. It all relies in not thinking. So please please just let go of the thoughts related to the temptation. See and hear the thoughts but then release them into the wind. Perhaps watch a movie, walk outside, clean the house, talk to a friend do something anything that occupies your mind and then when you are in a calmer and more controlled state of mind go to investigate deeply those tempting thoughts. This really works! Try it!


We must all have a way to counter the temptations of the ego and put it never to forget into our first aid kit or tool box or armoury depending which one take more your fancy.

End (298).

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