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Monday 5 January 2015

Why the Demons Hate the Angels or Masters of the White Lodge - (296)

The Reason Why

Very simply, the reason is because deep down within a demon or a black magician is the innate knowledge of what the true and real nature of the human being, of the soul and the Real Being (spirit) really is. However the demon at some point has failed to all of this and the Angels and Masters of the White Lodge are very painful reminders of this. Because of their failure, in one or another ego they can not come to terms that others have triumphed and so they feel the pain of their failure and the disbelief that others can triumph and so out of that pain, or to compensate that pain they hate the masters of the White Lodge and scoff at them with disbelief that they are really so white, because they failed they can not believe others triumphed. 

Once were White

Many demons were once white or at least started off in the white path or the path to the freedom of consciousness and the development of one’s inner Real Being, however they fell or failed. That is how they became black as a compensation for the failure. They found success in evil or darkness, what they coveted from the light they found in evil but in the opposite polarisation. There are powers of the light and powers of the darkness.

Except under it all, they still know that they failed to the knowing of nature and reality as it is seen in its clearest light and they separated or divorced themselves from their inner true reality and created the dark one.


To compensate for their failure they go deep into the dark side of things and become a success in that area that is how they became black and that is why they hate the Masters of the White Lodge, they hate them for triumphing over the wrong and the ego in themselves.

End (296).

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