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Wednesday 25 February 2015

Electronic Divine Mother Eliminates Molecular Ego - (330)

Introduction – Cutting Basics

The way a knife for example cuts is by the edge of the knife being so fine and strong that it is able to enter in between the spaces of the smallest parts of the material the knife is going to cut. It is the knife’s ability to get in between these parts and break them away from or disconnect them from the other parts is what makes the knife to cut something.

Basically the sharper the knife, the more it can get in between the parts that make up the material. A blunt knife has a large edge that is not fine enough to get in between the links between the smallest parts of the material. That is why we have to apply a lot of force to a blunt knife to get it to cut because with our applied force the blunt knife edge wedges its way in between the spaces of the smallest parts of the material to cut it.

Divine Mother is Electronic

The Divine Mother is Electronic! She is an electronic force, a force a living conscious power that comes from and lives in the electronic world. Which is the Causal world and beyond. The Divine Mother is in our electrons. We know that electricity is really the movement of electrons and Her being electronic she is that electricity which is a condensation of Prana into Akash. Prana is Master Samael says the electricity of life which is that intelligent, conscious, living and igneous force of creation originating from the Absolute.

The smaller the particle the quicker it is and the more energetic and powerful it is. Electrons are behind electricity, chemistry and determine so many of the properties of compounds and the elements.

Ego is Molecular

The ego is molecular in nature. The ego is found in the astral, mental and also causal worlds. However in its nature it is molecular it is not electronic. It is far too dense to be purely electronic. It may definitely have an electronic component to it but it is definitely not purely electronic, if it were we would really be in trouble. 

The ego is mental substance and also it is the essence just polarised wrongly. However in its nature it is molecular. That is composed of molecules which are compound substances, that is substances made of groups of atoms stuck together. Molecules by nature are much bigger than electrons.

Electrons are Smaller and Higher in Energy than Molecules

Most definitely electrons are much smaller than molecules, which are groups of atoms bonded together. The electrons of the atoms are the ones that actually form the bonds between atoms in a molecule. Molecules are many times more dense and heavier than electrons.

Electrons Break Molecular Bonds

Because electrons are smaller, faster moving and more energetic and basically smaller than molecules they can get in between the molecules and separate them just as a knife edge gets in between the parts of a material it cuts.

Because the Divine Mother is electronic she can Dissolve the molecular ego. Here electronic power can manipulate the electrons in the bonds that link the atoms together to form a molecule and She can break apart the crowding of molecules making up the egoic structure.

Conclusion – Divine Mother Disintegrates the Ego

Because the Divine Mother is electronic in nature and is in the electrons She can dissolve the ego. If she were not electronic She would not be able to cut or disintegrate the ego.

End (330).

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