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Monday 23 February 2015

Thinking Psychologically and Esoterically - (328)


The foundation of thinking psychological is to see ourselves as an essence end think based upon exercising the values of the work, which are also the values of the essence.

If we think by virtue of co-operation, conscious love, peace, balance etc. we are thinking psychologically.

Thinking Esoterically

To think esoterically is another point here as well. This means to think based upon the esoteric teachings.

To think esoterically we have to know well first of all the esoteric teachings. For example, knowing the teachings about life and death will make us to think differently about our activities and our priorities in life.

When we think psychologically and esoterically we change our values and we perform a transvaluation.

It is worth spending some time here talking about cooperation. Which is to give something to a common cause that transcends ourselves.


Co-operation' is against pride and selfishness. We need always to co-operate with everything else. With others, those whom we live with, our Being, our essence, the groups and the society we live with. We have to co-operate with the laws and rules of society, of the groups we belong to and the Cosmos.

Usually the mistakes made by other egos mysteriously in the background strengthen pride and arrogance. Co-operating with honesty and responsibility avoids this strengthening of pride and arrogance.

Cooperation is usually operating something in conjunction with others. Not operating-by ourselves serving our personal interests.


In short if we think with co-operation and good will we are thinking psychologically and if we think based on the esoteric teachings we are thinking esoterically.

End (328).

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