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Thursday 26 March 2015

6th Circle – Jupiter – 576 Laws - (365)

The Heretics (Atheism and Materialism)

Before the gates of the city of Dis are opened to them, “three hellish and inhuman Furies”, “bloodstained and wild” whose “limbs and gestures hinted they were women” called Medusa from a tower to come and turn Dante and Virgil to stone. Virgil held Dante’s eyes closed until the danger had passed. These “three hellish and inhuman Furies” are the three furies or the three traitors. Virgil identified each fury by name as is common in every esoteric tradition; the three furies or traitors always each have a name. 

Once the gates of the city of Dis are opened by an Angel, Dante and Virgil enter the sixth circle and there they see the landscape like a cemetery littered with tombs of various sizes. Each tomb is like a barrel made from iron that is heated red hot by fires that abound in that region.

Here in this region Dante and Virgil encountered the atheists and the heretics. Specifically those who taught that the soul dies with the body and so they themselves as a soul, are laid in a grave for dead. The tombs also symbolize the passions, prejudices and limitations of those in this region.

Also present in this region are the great legislators of history and the tyrants, who governed with tyranny and only complicated and harmed humanity.


There are certainly people that believe that when their body dies they will cease to exist as well. These people do not know that they are primordially an essence that can not be lost or destroyed and has no ending.

Dante shows us here how negative such a belief really is and furthermore how negative it is to teach that to others.

Also it explains why we suffer so much when we identify with our body and our personality. We may actually descend to a very deep place in our own abyss and we get connected with quite a deep circle within the abyss of the planet as well.

End (365).

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