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Wednesday 11 March 2015

Best Way to Help Humanity - (339)

A Common Thought

How can we best help humanity? We link that the best way to help humanity is physically giving alms, money, charity, doing good works etc. As a Gnostic this is not the only way and is really not the most effective way. We must by all means help humanity in this way especially when we have the situation right in front of us to give money, labour, charity etc. To not do so is wrong on our part it is selfishness and a lack of humanity.

Help in what is Needed

However, what humanity needs right now is a spiritual kind of help, light is what humanity needs. Light!

Best Way

The best way to help humanity is to give humanity light to overcome their suffering, their vices and harmful, painful defects. We have to overcome our vices, etc. first and get the light of how it is done and then give this light to humanity.


So in conclusion we can best help humanity by overcoming our defects and errors and give the way to do the same. Because our errors are also humanity’s errors and humanity is the sum of the individual person. 

Therefore if we change humanity changes and humanity benefits and so does the Earth because we are part of the Earth and if we are doing better, suffering less humanity and the Earth in a minute way are suffering less.

End (339).

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