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Thursday 19 March 2015

Heaven and Hell are for the Psyche - (355)

Certainly not for the Body

Certainly heaven or hell are not for the body. The body dies and becomes dust but the psyche lives on. Neither is evolution and involution for the body they are for the psyche as well.

Our Psyche has a Weight

What is really determinant in us is the atomic weight of our psyche. If our psyche weighs down from heavy and strong psychic aggregates or elements and heavy karma our psyche can not go up so easily. It has a very great tendency to slide downward to the heavier regions of nature which atomically are similar in nature and have the same weight.

The lighter our psyche the more essence and less karma we have and so our psyche can levitate the to the superior regions of nature.

Basically though heaven and hell are all in our psyche when awe are very angry and upset we are heavy in our psyche and we are close in vibration to the inferior regions of nature. Because of that we mechanically and by the laws of physics and nature our psyche descends there.


The secret of the abyss is that it is Physics it is law and each inferior region of nature has a certain nature and a certain weight and because of that a certain gravitational attraction for elements of a similar nature and weight. As the regions of nature outside of the physical are not for the body something in us expressly our psyche gravitates or levitates to these regions.

End (355).

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