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Monday 16 March 2015

Minor Mysteries - (345)


For anything in life we have to create within in the right foundation to support the Endeavour. The minor mysteries serve as the work to create this foundation to do the rest of the path , well at the least the first mountain, and later the first mountain will serve as the stepping stone or foundation for eh second mountain and so on.

The foundation for the initiatic path is the Kundalini the flaming serpent, and love! So the minor mysteries prepare us to create the right conditions within ourselves for the Kundalini to one day awaken and rise in us and for love (love for the path, for the Being for mystical death etc.) to grow in us.

Nine Minor Initiations

There are 9 minor initiations. Usually Master Samael says that the candidate does not remember them and furthermore Master Samael did not say anything specific about what each of the nine minor initiations are about.

Particular is the Key

The reason why Master did not write anything about them is because they are very particular and vary for the individual. They depend exclusively on the weaknesses and strengths of the individual candidate. The tests and trials and learnings must be processed for each individual all with the same goal of making that particular person ready for the path.

Make One More Human

The role or goal of the minor mysteries is also to make one more human and for one to refine oneself and for one to loosen one’s egoical animal nature. In other words, to make one more human. At the core of this work is transmutation and the abandonment of fornication. This work of refining oneself and making oneself more human can not be done by not taking into account sexuality.

The Mud must Come Out

To be ready for the path or to be a success on the path all of one’s weaknesses must be known to him or her. All of one’s weaknesses must come out. This is so that one is going to be a success on the path. The Being and the Masters wish that each one of us is a success and so we must have the capacity to conquer all of our weaknesses before being able to walk the path for real.

We have to develop the keys within us to be able to defeat the strong egos that we have when they will come out later on in the path.

Tests of Loyalty and Silence

There are many tests they are basically to do with the factors that can make us fall and the factors that are great principles for eth work of the path. Loyalty and Silence are one of these principles or qualities that are needed for the path. Tenacity, perseverance is also needed. Consistency is also needed. There are tests to do with that.

Tests to do with Money

This is a very popular one. Money, sex and power are three factors that make on to fall. The minor mysteries have to test us in this aspect. On the path a lot of money can come to us and so what are we going to do with it. Just use it to become rich or to use it to enrich our work. We have to as a result of the minor mysteries develop our knowledge of what to do with money.

Tests to do with Sex

This is a huge area. With the wrong use of sex we can fail and fall miserably. We have to know how to control our sexual forces and have or harness the power, will and knowledge to be able to control and channel in the very difficult moments of our life.

Test to do with Pride or Mystical Ambition

Power this is another mine field. We have to be tested there. We power and pride our head can swell to grow to be so huge that we lose sight of the Being and end up rejecting and disobeying the Being and not doing the will of the Being. Hence we will fail on the path.


The minor initiations can take a long time to process but they are to set up in us the right ethical foundation to be ready for the path. So a lot of deep dark stuff has to come out if we have that within us. This stuff has to come out so that we can demonstrate that we can control it and that it won’t derail our path later on where we can not afford any errors, or errors so great as that.

End (345).