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Monday 16 March 2015

Mistakes Have their Force - (350)


That is obvious that mistakes have their force outside and inside of ourselves. The worst case is the effect of the mistake inside of ourselves.

The mistakes whose fullest or maximum extension is an action in the physical world are a storm or an earthquake within ourselves. Just like after an earthquake we have to rebuild and recover.

A Clash of Forces

The mistakes introduce a certain force within us that clashes with the other force. that we have within us. We have white forces and black forces within. However when we are working correctly we have more of the white forces in control. The mistakes increase the magnitude of the black forces.

A Burden – A Heavy Weight

That clash is really terrible and causes much damage and introduces also into ourselves a heavy weight - a certain burden that we carry within until we repair the mistake. This burden is also a shadow, a corner of darkness that we carry within. We have to shed light onto hat corner and energetically defeat its heavy weight, or heaviness.

Types of Mistakes

Just depending on the mistake. Our system may not be able to handle it and in that case our esoteric work and our place in the work may get derailed.

Sometimes the mistake is not grave and only delays us for a brief period until we recover and continue forward.

There are esoterically speaking mistakes where the Being may descend from his throne and roll but not lose his grip on his sword. If the Being falters or falls and he loses his sword then the mistake caused a fall. There are mistakes and mistakes, and there are those that cause one to fall and then there are those that do not cause one to fall but nonetheless one does incur some karma.

It is very useful in our esoteric path to be able to perceive which actions will precipitate a fall or a severe delay on the path. What mistakes have you made? What were their effects?


Failure is the result always of some sort of mistake or bad decision.

To avoid failure or a fall we must cultivate within us the habit to always choose wisely after pondering very carefully. If we don’t ponder carefully and choose wisely we usually either like, dislike, accept or reject and what we like or accept could be the temptation and the mistake or failure.
Why is it that when we are making the mistake we are fine but only when we stop does it hurt? Why is this? Because while we are making mistakes we are spending our capital and accruing karma and when we stop making the mistake we start to pay for the debts - perhaps?


Sometimes mistakes are necessary to learn, though small ones or ones we can cure. Though the big ones can be avoided and always ponder carefully and choose wisely after contrasting the decision or the subject of the decision with the precepts of the path, the work and the Being. 

End (350).

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