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Monday 23 March 2015

Outline of the Structure of the Inferno - (357)


The objective of this post is to lay down an outline of the various levels and features of the Earth’s inferior regions. Seeing this outline will allow you to put the posts that are to follow into perspective.


The inferior regions of the Earth are structured according to Dante and Master Samael in the following way:

·         The Descent

·         Vestibule of Hell (Opportunists)

·         1st Circle – Moon-Prechamber of Hell – 96 Laws (Limbo)

·         2nd Circle – Mercury – 192 Laws (The Carnal – Lust)

·         3rd Circle – Venus – 288 Laws (The Gluttons)

·         4th Circle – Sun -384 Laws (Spendthrifts and Misers)

·         5th Circle – Mars – 480 Laws (The Wrathful & Sullen (Melancholic)

·         6th Circle – Jupiter – 576 Laws (The Heretics (Atheism and Materialism)

·         7th Circle – Saturn-672 Laws (The Violent)
o    First Round – Violence Toward Others
o    Second Round – Violence Toward Oneself
o    Third Round – Violent Towards God
  8th Circle-Neptune-768 Laws (The Fraudulent, the Seducers and the Flatterers)
o    First Bolgia (Ditch) – The Panderers and Seducers
o    Second Bolgia (Ditch) – The Flatterers
o    Third Bolgia (Ditch) – Simoniacs
o    Fourth Bolgia (Ditch) – Fortune Tellers and Diviners
o    Fifth Bolgia (Ditch) – The Grafters
o    Sixth Bolgia (Ditch) – The Hypocrites
o    Seventh Bolgia (Ditch) – The Thieves
o    Eighth Bolgia (Ditch) – The Evil Councillors
o    Ninth Bolgia (Ditch) – The Sowers of Discord
o    Tenth Bolgia (Ditch) – The Falsifiers
9th Circle – Neptune – 864 Laws (Treachery)
o    Caina (treachery against family)
o    Antenora (treachery against country)
o    Ptolomea (treachery against guests and friends)
o    Judecca (treachery against Masters)


Each post from here onwards will describe each of the Earth’s inferior regions with as laid out in the outline above. The descriptions come from Dante and Master Samael.

End (357).

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